Watch a free feature length Climate Change Documentary - Free only until November 7th!
Before the Flood
Leonardo DiCaprio and National Geographic teamed up to make this feature length Climate Change documentary.
It is available free on Youtube until November 7th, 2016.
Learn more about the film from their official website.
Personal Opinion Alert:
I found that this film did not have any information in it that I did not already know. That being said, not everyone has a science background and can understand some of the fancy lingo in many climate change movies. Everything in this film was very simply explained, so that anyone could understand it and relate to it. Only a movie star could secure interviews with so many well known individuals around the world and Leonardo did a great job of filling the movie with some influential people.
I thought this movie was a cry for the United States to step up and become major instigators in change, to set an example that the rest of the world can follow. It was also a reminder that sometimes, although we can feel so powerless as individuals, we actually have so much power as consumers. If we choose the environmentally responsible option, then that is what companies will produce. The hard part now is affording the more responsible option.
What do you think?