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Friday, April 22nd Schedule

Leadership and Policy Think Tank Day
Friday, April 22, 2016
Noon to 4:30pm in Nelson, BC


Who should attend?
This half-day discussion on Friday, April 22 is aimed at local government staff and elected officials who are currently working in these fields and are  interested in learning and sharing ideas about climate change and its impact on managing local water resources. Those responsible for managing policy, planning and responses to water, fire and energy should attend this participatory working group event. A public participation day> will also be held on Saturday, April 23rd.


12:00 (noon)
Registration Opens & informal networking


Welcome and opening remarks & a word from

City of Nelson - Mayor Deb Kozak

RDCK Garry Jackman - Director of Electoral Area A, Chair Rural Committee

MLA for Nelson-Creston - Michelle Mungal


What's happening now? - A reality check
>Global and Local Climate Change Projections by: Dr. Mel Reasoner

>Climate Versus Human Nature & Organizational Inclination: Habits that are Holding Us Back by: Robert Sandford
>Overview of Local Water Supplies by: Uli Wolf, RDCK and Colin Innes, City of Nelson
>Interface and Wildfires: What to Expect by: John Cathro, RPF, Cathro Consulting Ltd.

Issues Analysis: a Facilitated Discussion




The New Water Sustainability Act
>Overview of New Water Sustainability Act as it Relates to Drought and Climate Change by: Tom Cummings Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations
>Water sustainability act: "Awash in Opportunities", Ensuring the Sustainability of BC's Water Law by: Rosie Simms; POLIS project on Ecological Governance

Choosing Next Steps: A Facilitated Discussion

Report Back and Wrap up



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