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Follow-Up Summary of 2016 Forums

Goals and Outcomes


The project goals were to:

  • Build awareness about critical water and climate issues, along with potential solutions,

  • Broaden a positive ongoing community and regional discussion,

  • Empower actions by focusing on opportunities (personal, economic, organizational)


Based on the popularity of the events, the number of people who attended, the broad regional representation, the very positive feedback received from our online surveys, and the references to this event at other public events, it is felt that the above goals were met. Also the community support reflected through the timely response for funding, as well as the hundreds of hours of professional hours donated pro bono to create this event are indicators of the significance of the project. The description of each aspect is summarized below.

Community Education through Media

Holding the events stimulated press coverage on the issues impacting the community. This reached a large number of regional residents who may not have come to the forums. Also the website and Facebook page presented background information on issues and will continue to make resources available.

1. Local Government Think Tank – April 22, 2016


On Friday, April 22, 2016, a half-day information session was hosted for elected officials and staff from all orders of government. Approximately 55 government and agency representatives attended the free by-invitation session. The session, held in the Nelson United Church basement , included presentations, discussion and a key note address by Robert Sandford. (see agenda)


Those in attendance endorsed the concept of a Kootenay Climate Collective (to be further defined).


This local government session identified further information needs, especially related to, but not limited to, the Water Sustainability Act.


2. Government Reception with Robert Stanford – April 22, 2016


An evening reception with Robert Sandford (see attached bio)was held at Nelson’s Touchstone Museum. This by-invitation event included a keynote address by Robert Sandford and provided an additional opportunity for networking and information sharing. Approximately 40 people attended this event.


3. Public Participation Day – April 23, 2016


This 1-day event was a sell-out, with more than 180 people in attendance (maximum venue capacity). The event was held at the Prestige hotel and included a free lunch to registered participants. This forum included plenary presentations, a panel discussion and a series of concurrent workshops ) see agenda).   Participants also took part in two small-group discussions at their tables and identified a range of issues, available resources and resources required to address issues. Additionally, participants provided ideas about topics they want to know more about and shared ideas about why this topic matters to them. The event concluded with a keynote wrap-up and summary by Robert Sandford. Speakers’  presentations have been posted to the Facebook page. Participant discussion notes were being compiled and a summary is available here.

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